Celebrating 30 years in practice!

Infant Massage Classes

Newborn & Pre-Natal Workshops
Perfect for first-time parents with babies from pre-birth to 4-weeks. Learning one simple stroke for each part of the body helps boost confidence in handling the baby, especially in first-time parents/caregivers. In addition, learn the “gas/colic routine” before it’s needed.
Infant Massage Classes
For parents and babies 4 weeks to pre-crawling - as taught by the International Association of Infant Massage. Regular practice helps relax, soothe and release stress, relieve gas & colic symptoms, helps baby sleep better, stimulates growth and weight gain, and finally encourages healthy development of the baby’s body, mind and spirit.
Studies have shown that regular practice of infant massage not only deepens bonding along with boosting the caregiver's confidence but it also helps with post-partum depression.

Shiatsu for Toddlers
Learn more hands-on tools for busy pre-schoolers, in times of both sickness and health. Once they become too active for a group class, learn some shiatsu-based hands-on tools and fun games to promote both incidental and purposeful touch, with massage oil or simply over clothing, if that is their preference. By paying attention to both their developing body language and verbal skills, together with honoring when they are asking for, as opposed to declining touch, we continue to teach them the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch.